Introduction/Overview of Structured Literacy & Orton-Gillingham Approaches to Learning to Read
Courses are usually held on Saturday mornings (9-12noon) or afternoons (1-4pm) for 3 consecutive weeks. If participants prefer an evening or Sunday, that can also be arranged.
There must be a minimum of 3 participants to run a course. Contact Martha to be placed on a list if you want to participate.
Maximum of 6 participants.
The Science of Reading
The Simple View of Reading, Scarborough's Reading Rope, and other frameworks for understanding language & literacy
Language Comprehension (vs Reading Comprehension)
The critical role of Knowledge Building
Overview of Language Comprehension, Phonology, Orthography, and Morphology
Word Recognition and Orthographic mapping: What works? What looks like it is working, but is not?
Overview of Dyslexia & DLD, & differences in brain structure and function
Phonology in depth
Culturally responsive challenges with phonology
Phonemic Awareness Assessments
The alphabet as a whole
Mastering sound-letter connections through visual/auditory/kinesthetic/tactile tracing & printing
Orthography in depth
Short vowel confusion and how to differentiate short vowels
Blending cvc words automatically & effortlessly
6 types of syllables and syllable division
Wild Words (words that do not follow the rules)
3 Main Spelling Rules
Scopes and sequences & decodable text to match
Parts of a Foundational Word Reading Skills Lesson Plan
Activities/Games for Introducing new spelling patterns
Simultaneous Oral Spelling (SOS) (printing words)
Writing at the sentence level
Decodable text
Reading Comprehension (moving from skills to building knowledge)
Routines, scripts, & timing for small and large group lessons
Teaching online
Morphology in depth
Multi-linguistic strategies for integrating phonology, orthography, morphology, and language comprehension
- Fluency - the bridge to reading comprehension
Oral Reading Fluency Assessments
Vocabulary building
Knowledge-Based approach to Writing
Special concerns for students with Dyslexia and DLD
Resources, blogs, books, researchers, training, and organizations to support your learning journey
8-Hour ONLINE Course - LIVE with Martha
This course is perfect for administrators, educators, and tutors or parents who want an introduction to Orton-Gillingham-based Structured Literacy approaches to beginning reading instruction. Participants will leave with a good understanding of the research behind this approach, video clips that demonstrate these approaches, tools to support implementation, and many practical strategies that can be used right away. Martha is known for her energetic, knowledgeable, and practical presentations that inspire teachers to implement what they learn with enthusiasm.